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What are the common problems that pigeons or other birds cause?

Birds can bring in lots of benefits for human beings. For example, we find them doing useful work in agricultural crops. However, it is also important to keep in mind that pigeons or other birds can become a nuisance to you at times as well. Here is a list of some of the examples, which prove when pigeons or other birds will become a nuisance. When you come across such a nuisance, you will need to take appropriate steps to remove the presence of pigeons or other birds from your spaces.

They can cause fouling

One of the biggest problems that pigeons or other birds can create is fouling. If there are lots of pigeons or other birds, you will have to come across foul paved areas. These areas are associated with a massive risk of slip and fall accidents. On the other hand, pigeons or other birds are capable of fouling the vehicles that are parked in your house as well. They will also foul the clothes and other precious items that you have, which will lead you towards financial losses.

They can cause physical damage

It has also been identified that pigeons or other birds are capable of creating physical damages to your property. For example, pigeons or other birds are capable of dislodging the roof tiles that you have. On the other hand, bird droppings can corrode metal, stone, paintwork and many other materials that have been used for the construction of your house. That’s because they come along with lots of harmful chemicals. The pigeons or other birds who gain access to your roof spaces will be able to create an impact on insulation as well. This will lead you towards massive financial losses in the long run. You will have to bear the cost associated with spending money on the heating and insulation system of your house.

They can spread diseases

Your good health will also be compromised by the presence of pigeons or other birds who can be found in your living spaces. That’s because they are capable of spreading diseases. The droppings of pigeons or other birds are responsible for this. In fact, the droppings of pigeons or other birds can contain a variety of viruses, bacteria and parasites. They are in a position to contaminate the food that you consume. In addition to that, they can contaminate the surfaces that you use to spend your time as well.

According to scientific experiments, it has been identified that droppings of pigeons or other birds are having a pathogen called Salmonella. In addition to that, there are many other pathogens, which are available on a small scale. Histoplasma and E Coli are to name a few. They are in a position to infect people and lead them towards numerous health issues. If you don’t want to deal with these health issues, you should get pigeons or other birds removed.

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